Blog 8: Franklin
This week’s blog is a little different. As I’ve mentioned, this series is dedicated to the people who have impacted me in monumental and sometimes unsuspecting ways. I am so lucky to have so many people in my life who have shaped who I am, and I’m deeply grateful for each of them. But there’s one person who has impacted me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. So today, I want to introduce you to Franklin—though sometimes I call him Frankie or Frank, depending on my mood. He’s named after Franklin Street in Chapel Hill, of course, but he’s not exactly a person. Yet, in my mind, he absolutely is. And that’s why I’m writing about him today.
Now, it’s important to remember everything I’ve talked about in my past blogs. If you haven’t been keeping up, that’s perfectly fine—I’ll give you a quick rundown. Last May, my mom decided to make the big move across the country to California, which left me here in North Carolina for the summer, staying with my grandparents.
A couple of other important things were going on during this time that shaped my experience. I had just gone through a major breakup, and only a few months earlier, one of my best friends and I had a huge fallout. With that in mind, I want to tell you to choose your friends carefully, because when we hit a hardship, she didn’t want to work things out. Instead, she chose to actively say horrible things to me and treat me with a shocking amount of disrespect. Honestly, dealing with all of that was incredibly difficult. And, to make matters more complicated, I was home for the summer, fully aware that in August, I was going to have to move into a house with her. We’d already signed the lease, and there was no way to back out. Despite us once being friends, I had come to terms with the fact that nothing could fix our relationship.
So, there I was, in the summer of 2024—my mom living thousands of miles away and me waiting to move into a house with someone I knew was going to continue treating me terribly. I couldn’t sleep. I've always been an anxious person, but this was different. I spent endless nights tossing and turning, consumed by the thought of moving into that house and the feeling of isolation that came with it.
Then, one night, I had an epiphany: I needed something to give me a reason to come home to, something to fill the void and bring joy back into my life. And just like that, I knew exactly what I needed—a dog.
I immediately started my search for a puppy. I knew I wanted to raise one from the start, to build that special bond and train them right from the beginning. I scrolled through countless listings on Craigslist, some of which were… let’s just say, less than ideal. But then, I came across the cutest picture I had ever seen of a puppy. It stopped me in my tracks. Here’s my proof:
I didn’t hesitate to reach out to the owner and ask if the pup was still available. To my surprise, he was! My heart raced—I was actually going to get a dog. Soon after, I found myself buying everything a puppy could possibly need: a crate, a dog bed, way too many toys, and a bunch of things he definitely didn’t need, but I just couldn’t resist.
Once I had all of Franklin’s new things, Brianna, David, and I drove an hour and a half to meet the owner in a Food Lion parking lot (because, of course, Craigslist puppy pick-ups always happen there). When I saw him, I knew it was over for me. He was perfect. He was the cutest puppy I’d ever laid eyes on, and he was the sweetest little guy (though, I’ll admit, I’m a little biased).
Now, at nine months old, Frankie has become my constant companion. Excuse me while I tear up looking at these baby photos of him and seeing how much he’s grown. In these past few months, he has taught me more than I ever thought possible. Training him has been so rewarding. Watching him learn a new trick after spending time each day practicing together is fulfilling in ways I didn’t expect.
Of course, there are times when he’s a little wild and, let’s be honest, kind of frustrating. He’s still a puppy, after all, and I expected that. But, for the most part, he’s been incredibly well-behaved. For a puppy, he’s surprisingly good.
But here’s the thing: When he’s at his most energetic and, let’s say, a little crazy, it often works out in my favor. Those moments usually lead to a walk, and that walk gives me a much-needed break from the stress of everyday life. Between my busy class schedule and everything else, I’m always greeted at home by my sweet puppy, who somehow manages to make every day a little brighter, a little more fun.
So, if you’re on the fence about getting a puppy or adopting a dog, I say go for it. Sure, they’ll drive you a little crazy at times, but I promise you it’s more than worth it. Stumbling upon Franklin on Craigslist has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. He’s energetic, mischievous, and sometimes a little wild, but he gives me an endless amount of love in return.
Thank you, Franklin Jo, for teaching me to relax and enjoy the moment—even when life is chaotic.